Telehealth avenues including phone, zoom, google meeting and facetime can be utilized based on client preference. In-person consultations are also an option, and every precaution is being taken to maintain a cleanly and safe office environment.


Learn More About Our Services & How We Can Help



Career and academic coaching:  Administering the Highlands Ability Battery to attain a more complete picture of the strengths, challenges, and possibilities available to individuals. Will also examine learning styles to help clients maximize their potential.



Family coaching: helping parents and children successfully navigate various challenges and transitions with a focus on continual growth.

Relationship coaching: encouraging clients to examine patterns, develop goals for themselves, and establish healthy partnership expectations.

Individual Coaching: assisting clients as they gain clarity on issues they are facing, create goals that directly address the issues, and explore solutions.



Physical Health Coaching: beginning with time management, training clients to carve out time for self-care, and explore methods that work with each individual based on current fitness level, possible injuries, and goals. Private Yoga and Pilates sessions are also offered.